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Discover Green Smoothies w/Audio


Discover Green Smoothies w/Audio

Do You Want To Know About A Magical Drink? A Drink That Is A Refreshing Twist For Every Party! A Drink That Is Full of Nutrients And Energy! Green Smoothies A Perfect Blend of Fruits And Green Vegetables!

Introduction to Green Smoothies

A green smoothie is a blend of various fruits and green vegetables like water melon, lemon, spinach, cucumbers, and celery. The fundamental idea behind this is to provide all the health benefits at one go. The green smoothies are very helpful for those individuals who don't take the recommended amounts of nutrients in their daily diet. It is a good choice to add vegetables to the fruit based smoothie. This is considered to be a very healthy choice these days. There is so much that we can get from these vegetables and fruits. They are rich source of minerals, vitamin A and C, fiber, proteins etc. You can very easily Discover the Healthy World of Fruits and Vegetables with GREEN SMOOTHIES!

Green smoothies are also a very good source of providing fiber to our body. Lack of fiber content in the body often leads to toxins. So it's better to include a glass of green smoothie in your daily diet. Green smoothie is also a very good nutrient diet for the kids now-a-days. The kids are often prone to health diseases as their immune system is not fully developed. So it is advised to give them a diet which is rich in all the nutrients and vitamins.

It is also considered the best way for the people who are not able to eat raw vegetables. By mixing the green vegetables with fruits they can easily drink it. Moreover it is very easy to digest. According to a survey it is shown that chewing leads to forty percent of the absorption of food while blending leads to ninety percent of the digestion. So it is very clear that drinking a glass of smoothie is far better than having a bowl of salad daily.

This ebook includes audio as well. 



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